Food is the reason for this blog -- making memories with family and friends around a shared, joyful experience. I am excited that holiday baking time is finally here. I love this time of year the most because of the warm, settled, happy feeling I get when cooking and baking with family. There is nothing like steaming up the kitchen with loved ones when it is cold and gray outside. Our family tends to slow things down a lot this time of year-- we have more patience for little fingers in ingredients, and we just enjoy each others company without the stress of deadlines, homework, sports etc.
I was going to scale way back this year (due to new baby and no sleep), but I would miss out on the fun of cooking with family -- so we have scaled back a little. We have settled on the following menu for Christmas Eve and Christmas:
Tonight -- Potato soup with homemade bread (my family cannot get enough of this simple bread recipe -- we eat it fresh from the oven with some fancy salted butter, and it is gone in minutes!). We usually have a seafood gumbo for Christmas Eve dinner, but we had that for Thanksgiving this year (thanks to Pa Pa Skipper), so we wanted something different.
Christmas Eve goodies: - we are making this orange chocolate chunk cake (I am so excited about this-- I love orange and chocolate combinations). We are making Christmas cookies (our tradition Boddhi loves to make these -- we have made them the past 3 years-- usually deliver some to meals on wheels recipients but not this year). We are also making peanut butter balls (not our traditional family recipe because I don't want to use paraffin wax -- but this one is very similar -- just a different chocolate coating).
Christmas brunch - We are having a simple breakfast of chocolate chip scones (recipe from The Art of Simple Food), bacon and eggs (I might do a frittata if I am up to it -- saw one with apple, bacon and cheddar that looks delicious).
Christmas dinner - We are making pan fried pork chops (similar to our fried chicken recipe), mashed potatoes, yeast rolls, and cabbage.
That is it I think. What are you guys making? Mom, Steph and Bob -- feel free to edit this post and add what you are making for the Holiday.
Will be thinking about you all (family on both sides) since we cannot be together this holiday. We love you and miss you.
Enjoy your Christmas in the kitchen with loved ones.
Posted by Stace
We ran errands today. Took flowers to Aunt Virgie, Christmas gift to Leo's mom, picked up some things at Central Mkt. We had tamales tonight. Tomorrow we are having steak, baked pototoe and some kind of veggies. Not the traditional at all for us. Your food sounds delicious Stace. Merry Christmas to you all.
Love you, Mom
Thanks for sharing your recipes. I missed you guys but I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks :)
Saturday we grilled chicken, asparagus, and green beans on the grill. Jovan marinated them in teryaki and seasonings. It was quite yummy. I also made red velvet cupcakes (for my friend Linda (Dec 24th is her birthday).
Sunday Jovan cooked some amazing omelets for breakfast w bacon and potatoes. Then we cooked two pots of gumbo. One traditional style, and one jovan style (he added beans and greens which i was adamantly against. lol) Both pots had crab legs, shrimp, chicken and sausage. It was delicious and we have so much we don't know what to do with it.
It was a good day but I missed the family. So happy I was able to skype in the morning and see boddhi open presents. Love you guys!
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